Have a good day,
We'd like to inform you a very important issue regarding
your dairimama.blogspot.com , which is the reason why you are losing lots of customers.
Your dairimama.blogspot.com is great in terms of design and content.
However, it doesn't follow SEO Guidelines. So, it has a very low visibility in search results.
We've done a thorough Optimized Website and found that it
has a big potential to generate more revenue than what it might be earning at the present.
We'd be glad to share the cost and keywords recommendation
with you, so that you can check it yourself and find out what should be done to make it SEO friendly.
If you are interested in improving your website ranking
then please share 5-10 sample keywords and your target location so that our team can do a detailed analysis and will send you a quote accordingly.
Phil Brennan, SEO expert (Manager).
Note: If you are not interested, please email with the subject line "No" and I will be happy to update my data base.